Regardless, I must say there is really no other sporting event quite like the World Cup. And here in Seattle people have really gotten into it. We watched last Wednesday's US vs Algeria game at a local bar called Spitfire. It's a large sports bar with 20+ flat screens. 7:00 in the morning and the bar was packed. Standing room only. Fortunately, I'd arrived at 6 and snagged a table.
Throughout the game, the tension in the bar was pretty unbearable. And I'll never forget the chaos that happened in that bar when Landon Donovan scored his goal in the 91st minute to beat Algeria and save the US from elimination. Grown men and women screaming, cheering and jumping up and down like kids. Perfect strangers high fiving. People falling out of chairs and spilling coffee on themselves, but not caring. I wish I'd had a camera, because it was a sight to see. I guess soccer can bring people together. Just think what might happen if the US ever makes a World Cup final game. Seattle might explode.
On Saturday, I wasn't feeling like fighting the crowds at another bar, so we opted to watch the US vs Ghana game at home. But for some reason, I got the idea in my head to move our TV out on the back deck and BBQ. I'm not really sure why. But, it actually worked out well. It was kind of like a personal beer garden. And as another plus, I could tend the BBQ without missing any of the game. Anyway, that's the story behind these pictures.